
( ) 2006 - :
Monitoring spatial and temporal changes of agricultural lands in the Nile Delta and their implications on soil characteristics using Remote Sensing

Integration of local participatory and regional planning for resources management using remote sensing and GIS, PhD, 2002, International Institute for geo-information science and earth observation (ITC), The Netherlands:

Drought risk assessment using remote sensing and GIS: A case study of Gujarat, MSC, 2006, International Institute for geo-information science and earth observation (ITC), The Netherlands:

Remote sensing and GIS: Applications for groundwater potential assessment in Eritrea, PhD, 2003, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden:

Quantifying the spatio-temporal dynamics of woody plant encroachment using an integrative remote sensing, GIS, and spatial modeling approach, PhD, 2007, University of Oklahoma:

A remote sensing change detection study in the arid Richtersveld region of South Africa, MSC, 2007, University of Western Cape:

Climate change in Libya and desertification of Jifara plain using GIS and remote sensing techniques, PhD, 2005, Gutenberg University:

Remote sensing based study on vegetation dynamics in dry lands of Kazakhstan, PhD, 2006, Gottingen University:

Environmental applications of aquatic remote sensing, PhD, 2003, Upssala University, Sweden:

Remote sensing for agricultural land use changes and sustainability monitoring in Sudan

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