المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Stories Section

01-07-2009, 03:45 PM
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful

May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon you

Hi Guys , In this part I'd like to show some short stories as away to improve our languages

it'll be simple Sequence of short stories and you can all share :)

Mouse and His Bug

Once there was a mouse
who lived in a great big house
The mouse had a pet bug
which lived in his mug.

The mouse wasn't very happy
when his bug jumped into his favourite rug

The mouse made the bug stay in his mug
and forbade it to go near the rug
The bug just wouldn't listen
and jumped onto the rug

This time, the mouse was furious
and squashed it with his mug

ميرا مار
01-07-2009, 08:13 PM
hey judy its a very great idea
but i found some words unknown to me
so u may make
a translation just for the ocoured words
see like


هههههههه تصدقى بس
انا فاهمة الباقى
بالمرة بقى شوفيلى الكلمة دى انا كاتباها غلط واللا ايه ocoured
بمعنى غريبة

ياااااااااااااه والله الواحد بيبقى مزنوق وهو بيكتب بالانجليزى ههههههههههههههههه

thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx judy ya (قمر)
this topic (تحفة)

i`ll try to help with storis(على قدى)

01-08-2009, 01:40 AM
LoL Thanks Mira for your funny sharing , we used to read with having fun in your sharings

and I noticed that you're taking the same way of expression of Zooma lol by using En&Ar words but it's funny lol

about the words Furios & rug , the 1st one ( furious ) means violent and the 2nd one ( rug ) it's some kind of carpet

let me show you the meanings in Arabic

Furious = عنيف ، Rug = البساط

I'll try to give clear translation as possible as I can with the rest of stories and I'll be so Glad if you share me sweety in posting short stories :)

ميرا مار
01-08-2009, 04:44 PM
thanx judy
but i didn`t mean to use any language beside en
but i had to do that
i couldn`t express what i wanted to say
thanx again

01-08-2009, 07:12 PM
It's ok Mira you can wrire whatever you want

Now Be ready for the 2nd story :)


Mission Fishing

One bright and sunny day, I felt like fishing. So I packed what I needed ... fishing rod, hooks, weights and of course, worms for bait.

When I reached the jetty, I put a worm on the hook and threw the line in and waited for the fish to bite. I was disappointed when I did not catch anything after waiting for three hours.

I pulled in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. The fish was so small that I did not feel any tug on the line.

I was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, "Let me go or I will turn you into a frog!" I was so startled that I just stared at it. The next moment, I was already a frog ... ribit, ribit

and here's the Translation but be honest try to understand it in English , I'm watching you;)


في يوم جميل ومشمس حبيت أصطاد ، فحضرت كل حاجة احتجتها ..الصنارة ..خطافات .. اوزان وطبعآ ديدان للطعم
وبعدين لما وصلت لرصيف المينا .. حطيت الطعم ( دودة ) في الخطاف ورميت الصنارة وكنت مستني اي سمكة تعضها ... كنت محبط جدآ عشان مفيش ولا سمكة اصطدتها بعد انتظار 3 ساعات !!

سحبت الخيط بتاع الصنارة وبعدين لقيت مفاجأة ..كان في سمكة صغيرة في نهاية الخيط ..السمكة كانت صغيرة جدآ لدرجة اني محستش باي شدة على الخيط

اندهشت أكتر لما لقيت السمكة بدأت تكلمني:eek: وبتقولي : " سيبني أمشي والا هحولك لضفدعة " ..انا كنت مندهش جدآ لدرجة اني بقيت بحدق فيها !! وفي لحظة بقيت ضفدعة


وبكدا السمكة الساحرة حولت الصياد لضفدعة عشان مسبهاش :(:(:(

01-08-2009, 09:32 PM

Such great stories Judy

How funny to become a frog at the end

01-08-2009, 09:34 PM
LooooooooooooooooooooL Moon

It was Happy end , wasn't it?:p

hope u to have fun in the rest of stories , you can also share dear

ميرا مار
01-08-2009, 09:52 PM
this story is so funny
and full of a good expressions
like how was that day
and how was he at the end the word startled
express the situation good
and i`ll try to share with a story

01-08-2009, 10:08 PM
Me too Meira

I'll try Judy to share

I can tell well English stories

give me my time

01-10-2009, 10:15 PM
let's read this new story


A New Wolf

The story of the three little pigs has been passed down for many generations. I, Little Mean Wolf, the grandson of Big Bad Wolf has vowed to take revenge on the three little pigs, now the three old pigs.

After many days, I thought of a plan. I asked my father, Big Stingy Wolf what the pigs feared most and my father answered, " Lions! " I took out my lion costume that I had used last year for the play "The Wizard of Oz."

I went out in my lion costume and went to the three old pigs' house. When I got near to the house the three pigs caught me with a net. I cried and wailed but soon after that, they let me go and even forgave me. They knew that I was not a real lion because I could not roar like a real one.

From then on, I turned over a new leaf and changed my name to Small Good Wolf. I and three old pigs' grandsons, Small Cute Pig, Small Gentle Pig and Small Adorable Pig became good friends. Somebody was not happy that I had made new friends and he was my father, Big Stingy Wolf.

The pigs were going to move out and I had to choose between my family or go away with my friends. I had been happier since I learnt about Jesus from the three old pigs so I decided to follow my friends and learn more about Jesus. I followed them to the jungle where I had a lot of fun. I learnt more about Jesus from the Bible (International Animals' Version). I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and became a Christian

Shost Translation

هي باختصار حكاية عن ديب صغير كان باباه ديب وحش وبخيل وبالتالي هو كان طالع زيه وبعدين كان في 3 خنازير في نفس منطقتهم وكان الديب الكبير الوحش مصمم انه ينتقم منهم لانه وحش ومش بيحبهم وبالتالي ابنه الصغير كمان عايز يعمل زيه

بعدين بعد كذا يوم كدا الابن الصغير سأل باباه " ايه اللي ممكن يخوف الخنازير دي ؟" فباباه قاله " الاسود " فراح واخد بدلة الاسد اللي كان مثل بيها في مسرحية السنة اللي فاتت واللي اسمها Wizard Oz الساحر او زد باين كدا .. المهم وراح بأه عند بيت الخنازير التلاته

المهم لما راح الخنازير وقعوه في شبكة وهو قعد يصرخ ويستنجد وبعدين عرفو انه مش أسد حقيقي لانه مكنش عارف يعمل زئير زي الاسد يعني فأطلقو سراحه فانبسط الديب دا وقرر يبقى صاحبهم

وبعدين عندهم اتعلم حاجات كتير عن السيد المسيح وعرف عندهم معنى المرح وبأه كل يوم يتعلم عن السيد المسيح حاجات أكتر وجيه الوقت اللي باباه هيسيب المكان وعليه انه يختار ما بين أهله وبين الخنازير أصحابه ،، في الآخر اختار أصحابه لانه كان بيحب يعرف كتير عن السيد المسيح وفي الآخر بأه مسيحي وفضل مع أصحابه الخنازير :):)

01-12-2009, 05:45 PM
You want the truth Judy

I loved the stories you wrote

I can feel your sence in choosing the kinds of stories for your readers

Dear Judy ! Great work my friend

خالد أبوسعده
01-12-2009, 06:54 PM
ايه حصه الانجليزى دى
لا بس حلوة الترجمه الى تحت دى

what a wonderful topic judy

01-12-2009, 08:29 PM
Thanks Moon for your Nice words and you too Khaled

Hope you to have fun in the the rest of stories

01-13-2009, 02:14 AM
here's a new story guys

The turtle and the ducks


The turtle was not very happy. "here I am on the ground
"he said. "I cannot go fast. I always see the same things
I see only the ground and the grass. Poor, poor me
Then the turtle looked up at the sky. "look at those birds
" he said. "they go many places. They see many things
I want to be a bird. I want to fly, too
Two ducks stopped near the turtle
"oh, ducks, "asked the turtle. "what can I do? I want to
go far places. I want to see the world
"I think we can help you," said the ducks
"can you?" asked the turtle. "how?"
"you can fly with us to Africa or to America. You can see
mountains, oceans, and cities – all things you want to see
"but how can I fly?" asked the turtle
"with astick," said the ducks." We can hold the stick in
our mouths. And you must hold on with your mouth
And that's what they did. They went up in the air. They went
many miles. The turtle saw many new things. He saw a city
and lots of people


Some people looked up. "a turtle in the air!" they said
"run, run to the queen. There is a flying turtle. She must see it
The queen came out to see the turtle." where is it
She asked. "here! Can't you see me?" called the turtle
But when he opened his mouth, he fell to the ground
And there, in front of the queen and all the people, he died



بردو القصة باختصار بتحكي عن سلحفاة مكنتش سعيدة في حياتها ودايمآ تقول " انا اهو على الارض معرفش امشي بسرعة ، دايمآ بشوف نفس الحاجات ..الأرض ..العشب ..مسكين مسكين انا " : ( بعدين بص على السما فوق بص لقا طيور كتير فقال : " شوفو الطيور دي بتطير وبتروح كذا مكان وتقدر تشوف حاجات كتير .. أنا نفسي ابقى طائر ونفسي أطير كمان "

كان في بطتين واقفين قريب من السلحفاة ..فقالهم : " ياااه بط ..انا نفسي أطير نفسي ألف العالم كله ..فالبط رد عليه وقاله : " احنا نقدر نساعدك وناخدك افريقيا وامريكا تشوف الجبال والمحيطات والمدن وكل الحاجات اللي نفسك تشوفها !! "

فالسلحفاة استغرب وسألهم : " طيب ازاي هطير ؟ " فالبط رد عليه وقاله احنا نجيب خشبة صغيرة كدا نمسك طرفها ببقنا وانت تمسك طرفها التاني ببقك ونطير بيك وفعلا عمل كدا وطارو ..والسلحفاة شافت حاجات جديدة كتير ..شاف مدن وناس كتيره وبعدين ناس شافو طاير

فبقو يقولو في سلحفاة طايرة في السما الحقوو لازم نقول للملكة تيجي تشوفو وفعلآ جت الملكة تشوفو وبعدين بقت تقوله انت مش شايفني ؟ فلما السلحفاة فتحت بقها وقعت لانها كانت متشعلقه في عود الخشب دا ببقها

وفضلت تقع قدام الملكة والناس وبعدين .......ماتت :(

olivia nader
01-14-2009, 05:49 PM
that's soo sad , but it's all her fault , cause she didn't accept her ability and she tried to change her natural
بس انا فعلا صعبت عليا اعيط يعني :(

01-15-2009, 04:52 PM
Nooooooooo ! My heart is full of sadness

can you change the end Judy

make it comedy

like saying suddenly the turtle woke up from its beautiful dream loooooooooooooooool

01-15-2009, 07:10 PM
Thanks sweety Oli I hope you share with us permanently in this sec :)

and Thanks Moon but the END should be hardly like that, The reason is that we should accept our nature and consider our selves the most beautiful creatures on the earth

wait for more stories with happy end :)

ميرا مار
01-16-2009, 03:27 PM
i liked it also so much
im gonna save a copy of all of these stories
on my computer ,
so that one day am gonna tell my kids all of them
and tell them that aunt judy told me athem
and it was agift from her loooooool
thaaanx judy

01-16-2009, 03:33 PM
LooooooooooooooooooL Mira

Good Idea of you

Thanks sweety , I can't stop Giving more cuz of you

olivia nader
01-17-2009, 04:21 PM
thnx JUDYsure it's my pleasur to share in this section
isa when i finished my exams i will write short stories

ميرا مار
02-01-2009, 02:16 PM
judy!!! my dear
where`s the new??
i wanna learn more from u >>im waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaitting

02-22-2009, 12:13 AM
Big Sorry for being late guys

Thanks Mira for your care sweetie and here's new story hope u like it

The big family in the little house

Vladimir does not know what to do. He has a big family
And he lives in a little house. He is not very happy
One day he goes to town. He talks to a wise woman
"please help me," he says. "my wife and I have six children
We live in a very little house. Eight people in a few
rooms! We cannot live in this way
The wise woman listens. She closes her eyes for a minute
Then she asks, "how many animals do you have
" we have eight animals. We have a horse, a cow
two pigs, and four chickens, "says vladimir
"good. Go home now," says the wise woman
"take all your animals into the house with you
" our animals!" says Vladimir. He goes home and does
what the wise woman tells him. The next week
he goes back to the wise woman
"this is very bad!" he says. "The animals eat our food
They fill all the rooms. They sleep in our beds
The wise woman closes her eyes a gain. Then she tells
Vladimir, "now go home. Take the animals out of the house
Vladimir goes home. He takes the animals out of the house
The next day, he goes back to the wise woman
This time he is happy .
"thank you, thank you, "he says. "it's very different
without the animals. Now we can eat. Now we can sleep
Now we like our house. Thank you for your help
You are a very wise woman


فلاديمير مش عارف يعمل ايه ، هو عايش وسط عيلة كبيرة أوي بس في بيت صغير ومكنش سعيد بكدا

في يوم خرج للمدينة وفي طريقة لقى امرأة حكيمة فسألها : بليز ساعديني انا ومراتي عندنا 6 أطفال احنا بشكل مباشر عايشين في بيت صغير 8 أشخاص في غرف قليلة !! احنا مش عارفين نعيش بالطريقة دي

المرأة الحكيمة تقفل عينيها شوية لمدة دقيقة وبعدين تفتح وتقوله كم عدد الحيوانات عندكم ؟!

فقالها عندنا 8 بقرة وحصان وخنزيرين و4 فراخ فردت عليه المرأة الحكيمة : كويس اوي روح دلوقتي بيتك وخليهم يعيشو معاكم فراح تاني بيته وعمل اللي قالت عليه المرأة الحكيمة

رجعلها فقالها " الوضع سئ جدآ الحيوانات بتاكل أكلنا وماليين الغرف وبينامو على سرايرنا " فالمرأة الحكيمة تقفل عيونها شوية وترجه تفتحها وتقولها

طيب روح تاني بيتك وخرج منه الحيوانات دي فيروح فلاديمير ويخرج الحيوانات كلها بالفعل من بيته

ويرجعلها تاني يوم فيقولها دلوقتي انا سعيد شكرآ جدآ هو مختلف فعلا من غير الحيوانات دلوقتي نقدر ناكل ونقدر ننام دلوقتي بنحب بيتنا شكرا ليكي بجد انتي امرأة حكيمة :)

02-22-2009, 08:57 AM

Maybe a wise man have different view more helpful

But I knew what you meant

To say Thanks Allah for every thing you gave it to me

Thanks Mimi and nice from you as every time my dear friend

02-22-2009, 06:19 PM
Thank you Moon for your Light Nice comment

Wait for more

ميرا مار
02-24-2009, 08:11 PM
mimi ... u know something
i loved ur story
and learned to say thanx god for anything and every thing
i need a story to tell me not to accept what i have
but to thank god for it and searche for better
thhhhhhhhhhanx mimi

02-27-2009, 03:11 PM
You're right sweetie Mira

it's not enough to accept our position in this life

we need to think daily how to improve it to the better

Thanks cutie