تسجيل الدخول

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Brazil

09-30-2008, 01:24 PM
[SIZE="5"]About the State
Brazil, the largest and most populous area in South America. Is the fifth country in the world in terms of area. Famous for the production of coffee. Bordered from the north Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana and Venezuela to the west Colombia, Peru and South Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and the Middle Atlantic. Brazil is a country with strong economy are classified as tenth in the list of countries by annual income. Is where the equator and where large parts of the Amazon River and therefore Their land is full of tropical forests or areas suitable for cultivation.
Capital: Brasilia
Population density: 170000000 million people - Statistics 2002
Area: 8547404 million square kilometers
Currency: Brazilian Real (BRL)
Open international line: 55
The time difference from Greenwich: -3 hour / hours
Compared to the size of the world: 6.6335% percent of the world
The size of the State Association in South America: 49.5396% percent of the continent
Population density compared to the world: 2.9357% percent of the world's population
Population density compared to the continent of South America: 54.2807% percent of the population of the continent
Largest city: Sao Paulo
Official language: Portuguese
GNP: $ 1,376,000,000,000 (10)
: GNP per capita $ 7,800
Of the name
After a study conducted by Professor Adelino Osvado concluded that the word (Brazil) came from such language and there can be a root of the Viniqion. In the era Alambrootoorip identified and linked to name a tree (Pau Brazil) Brazil Arabic wood type of trees in Brazil is growing tired of the color red was exported to Europe for the manufacture of paint.

And in 1967 under military rule for the Government's name to the Federative Republic of Brazil and used the name to this day
Occupy the eastern part of South America, is the fifth area of the world, and controls almost half the continent, share borders with all countries of South America except Chile and almost Ecuador, and supervised from the east and north-east Atlantic Ocean Earth is composed surface of the plateau Brazil is the Brazilian arm, and covers About 60% of the total area of Brazil, operating scale and south-east of the country, the second part of Brazil is a coastal plains in the east and north, and third sections of the Amazon Basin terrain, and has figured prominently from the land of Brazil, the Amazon and South America, the largest river in length, and the first river World water, and its basin is one third of the country

Brazil's official language is Portuguese language and Portuguese in Brazil are different in Portugal and other countries, as in the English language between Britain and the United Kingdom, the Spanish are very popular in Brazil is very official language in some areas of Brazil and recognized minority, a large number National languages

Official holidays

: Jan. 1 start of the calendar year: --
: April 21: Tiradentes holiday in honor of the Revolution of Minas Gerais in 1789 against Portuguese
: May 1 Labor Day: to honor workers
: September 7: Independence Day Brazil's independence from the Portuguese occupation
: 12 October Day Hafeep Brazil (Nusa Senhora Aparecida): A tribute to Brazil Hafeep
: Dead on November 2: to visit the graves
: Nov. 15: when a proclamation of the Republic of Brazil to the Republic of Ambrootoorip
: Dec. 25: Christmas celebration of the birth of Christ
There are some holidays and other specific holiday of Carnival and on the death of Christ and Easter.[/SIZE




Rania Ismail
09-30-2008, 01:37 PM
انا مش بحب ادخل القسم ده علشان زى ما بدخل زى ما بطلع وبتعقد
ممكن سؤال بقه الترجمة حتنزل امتى
بس هو باين عليه يعنى موضوع كويس والله اعلم على العموم
مشكوووووووووووووووووووووور واستمر بس موعدكش انى ممكن ادخل تانى

10-01-2008, 08:52 AM
لالالا يارانيا بتقولي ايه بتقولي ايه بس دخول الحمام مش زي خروجه


انا عارفه ياحبيبتي الطريقة دي بتدايق وانا اديت سامو ملاحظة على موضوع سابق بتنسيق المواضيع مع وضع بعض الترجمة ولو خفيفة عشان القارئ يستمتع بقرائتها

وانا معاكي ان مواضيع كبيرة زي دي محتاجة تبقى ملحقة بترجمه على كل فقرة


أوعدك اني هتابع كل المواضيع اللي مفيهاش اي ترجمه ونحط معاها الترجمة بس متسيبيش القسم وتخرجي منه من غير فايدة ياقلبي ، اتفقنا ؟

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/MCsam/30.gif http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v505/MCsam/30.gif

eslam mamdouh
10-01-2008, 02:22 PM
موضوغك جميل جدا

لكن بعد ازن حضرتك دهم الموضوغ بالصور والخرائط التوضيحيه

ومن فضلك اكتب مصدرالموضوع

فى انتظار المزيد منك

Rania Ismail
10-01-2008, 02:38 PM
حاتر يا جودى بس الله يخليكى راعونى انا كان نفسى يبقى ليا مشاركات فى القسم بس للاسف

04-21-2009, 10:03 PM
شكرا ليكم يا جماعه على الردود الجميله دى