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15 رسائل الزوار

  1. The Miele Cat and Dog Vacuum could be the favorite tool of almost all pet lovers and fans from all walks in the earth. Most households have pets usually either a dog or a feline. We love our house animals. We love every portion of them, at least while these parts are still attached to them. Cats and dogs often leave some of their fur as each goes nespresso pixie about moving close to your house. This can be really unsightly especially for visitors as well as when left unattended for extensive periods may become the habitat of germs and also other microorganisms. This fur can prove very hard to remove especially when it gets attached with hard to clean surfaces for instance carpets. General purpose vacuum cleaners often don't have enough suction power or perhaps have filters to hypersensitive for animal hair. This is why having the one which is specially designed for pet fur can be a great convenience. The Miele Vacuum promises the finish of your trous in working with the fallen hair of the pets. It has a filter which includes the perfect level regarding sensitivity; just enough to capture animal fur and prevent it from escaping. It also has an incredibly powerful suction power which allows it to pull animal hair away from surfaces that often cling or tangle with the fur such as floor coverings and sofas. Passing the hose on the furred area a couple of times is often enough to complete the same task. This greatly reduces the time and effort required. The Miele Cat and Dog Vacuum can be almost as light as a feather. Anyone can carry and lift it easily even when using only the non-dominant hand. This means you can offer your dominant hand do other considerations such as talk on the phone or even go through a book. The hose also comes really narrow shape which creates maneuvering easy. You can take this to tight spots without worries of getting it tangled on the particular appliances or furniture. The vacuum head may fit on very tiny spaces that enas easy access to the commonly hard to arrive at places. The canister of your Miele Cat and Dog Vacuum is also lies very towards the floor and comes together with three underside wheels which are all capa of rotating a complete 360 degrees. This means that it can move towards any direction effortlessly. It can navigate conveniently through floors that are not even leveled. The wheels are also effective at optimum performance regardless of the texture of the surface they're rolling on. It can also jump around small steps without dropping balance. The entirety of your Miele Cat and Dog Vacuum is constructed of very tough materials and can withstand damage from blunt impact and scratches. So even if your own pets go wild in addition to crazy and play with your vacuum cleaner you do not need to worry that the item could possibly get damaged. The durability also will allow it to last appreciably longer than other brands
  2. اهلا بيك يا احمد انا فى الفرقة الثالثة شعبة خرائط باداب الزقازيق واخبار القسم عندنا رئيس القسم دلوقتى الدكتورة نوال فؤاد حامد نظام القسم عندنا اتغير عن الاول اول سنة السنادى شعبة الخرائط تاخد 100 طالب قبل كدة كانوا 60 وقبل كان 45 دلوقتى فى تزايد فى اعداد الشعبة وعملنا مشروع تخرج لدفعة 2010 وحضر المشروع رئيس قسم الجغرافيا جامعة طنطا ورئيس جمعية المساحة المصرية والمشروع اتذاع على قناة فارعين وكانت دى اول سنة يكون فيها مشروع جامد كدة وقدموا هدايا للقسم والشعب التانية كان ليها مشروع ايضا واعداد الشعب استشعار ونظم ثابته 26 طالب كل سنة وياريت يا احمد يكون ليكوا حتى اعلانات عن الرابطة دى فى القسم عندنا علشان كل الناس اللى فى الشعب تعرف فى حاجة اسمها رابطة خريجى المساحة لان فى ناس كتير متعرفش حاجة عن الرابطة انا عرفتها بالصدفة من النت ويكون ليكوا تواصل مع القسم بتاعنا سواء فى الدورات او الاشتراك فى مشاريع التخرج بالقسم الاشتراك فى الرابطة بعد التخرج
  3. ليه غايب عننا يا كارتو

    انت زعلان ولا ظروف ونبي ما تغيب تااني
  4. المحاضرة الثالثة فى كورس الارك gis 9.3
    عن " كيفية استعدال الخريطة "
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12-02-2011 07:46 PM
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