SYSTEM: Egypt 1907 Red Belt
Description: Egypt - East of 29° E

ELLIPSOID: Helmert 1906
Semi-Major Axis:6378200
Inv. Flattening:298.29999999847
Squared eccentricity:0.006693421623

DATUMTRANSFORMATION : Egypt 1907 Red Belt:WGS84 to Helmert 1906
Datum Transformation from WGS84:
Method: Bursa/Wolfe(7 Parameters)
Shift X(m): 121.8
Shift Y(m): -98.1
Shift Z(m): 10.7
Rotation X(sec): 0
Rotation Y(sec): 0
Rotation Z(sec): 0.554
Scale factor[ppm]: 0.2263
Prime meridian sh(deg): 0
Satellite ellipsoid: WGS84
Local ellipsoid: Helmert 1906

UNIT: Meters
Metric Conversion Factor:1
Suffix: m

PROJECTION: TM - Egypt Red Belt
Method: Transverse Mercator
Unit: Meters
Longitude of the Central Meridian:031°00'00.0000000"E
Latitude of Origin:030°00'00.0000000"N
False Easting:615000
False Northing:810000
Scale Factor at the Central Meridian:1
Grid Skew:0