22/5/2011 0181589375/0113698698
Course Title:
Single Beam Echo Sounder Hydrographic Survey

1. Course Objective:
1.1. Familiarize trainees with hydrographic survey projects.
1.2. Enable trainees to design and mange hydrographic survey
1.3. Enable trainees to run Single Beam hydrographic survey projects.

2. Required Background:
2.1. Graduate Level.
2.2. MS office skills (Word and Excel).
2.3. CAD (Autodesk Auto CAD).

3. Course Modules:
3.1. Hydrographic Survey Principles.
3.2. Hydrographic Survey Package.
3.3. Single Beam Project.

1. Hydrographic Survey Principles

The Chart Projection
The Echo Sounder
The Positioning
The Tide
The Plane Surveying
The Survey Planning
The Data Processing
The Charting
The International Standards
Physical Oceanography
Aids to navigation

2. Hydrographic Survey Package
The Geodetic Parameters
The Hardware Interface
The Planed Lines
The Data Processing
The Plotting and Exporting