
quran programmes

quran for kids

1) Sincerity is the secret of conquest:
If a person works and exerts effort and applies what is required to be implemented and masters the software, but there is no sincerity in his work or there is no trust in God Almighty, the work will be incomplete... Therefore we find many Western reformers from the discoverers who benefited humanity with their ideas, but they have lost the sincerity that stems from Belief in God Almighty, we find them simply committed suicide.. That is why we have to remember the Almightys saying: (Say: Say: Shall We inform you of the losers in deeds of those whose efforts have gone astray in the life of this world while they think that they are doing a good deed? If they strive and strive, but their efforts go astray because of their loss of faith and sincerity..

We thank God very much for the blessing of faith and Islam. Islam, which distinguished our nation, made us dye everything we take from the West in terms of software and technology with the dye of Islam and clothe it with the spirituality of faith. Therefore, we believe that every action that is not based on sincerity is on a steep cliff..

Sincerity has a button in the heart, and at any moment and without anyone seeing you, click here on the heart and say to yourself (Sincerity .. sincerity .. sincerity) (then go to the second rule).

The truth, my brothers, is that the subject of sincerity needs long lectures and examples are very many, including the story of Imam al-Nawawi and Imam al-Shatibi, the story of al-Nawawi and Imam Ahmad as well) author of the famous system al-Shatibi in the Seven Readings. O Lord, if you meant it for your face, then write it down for her to stay... He was not satisfied with that, but wrote it on a piece of paper, put it in a flask, sealed it, and threw it into the sea. Then he prayed to God Almighty to keep it if He wanted His face in it... And the days went on and behold, a fisherman was catching fish. He sees the flask among the fish and opens it, and finds on it a paper with poems in the readings.. He says to himself: By God, only Imam al-Shatibi knows about it.. I will go to him and ask him about it. .... Then the hunter began to read:

I started in the name of God in the systems first *** Blessed be the Most Merciful the Compassionate
And I commend, may Gods peace and blessings be upon my Lord *** Muhammad al-Mahdi to the people as a messenger

And if the fisherman was reading and Imam Al-Shatibi was crying and told him the story of the poem (Oh God, my Lord, grant me sincerity), and that is why we find now and everywhere students of the science of the Quran memorizing it, and it is well-known. It goes to Indonesia .. India .. Egypt, the Levant, Turkey, and everywhere because its owner The most sincere in his work, then, the summary of the first rule: (What is intended by the face of God Almighty, must remain)

Second rule:
2) Memorizing in childhood is like engraving on a stone:
One of the attendees objected and said that this rule is negative. The virtuous Sheikh replied, saying: You will soon find out how the positive aspects will light up from the aspects of this rule.

We return to this old saying.. (Memorizing in childhood is like engraving on a stone, and memorizing in old age is like writing on water).

When a person is born, his memorization is at the top, but his understanding is nothing, for understanding is very little, and memorization is very high. Memorization and understanding, then memorization begins to decrease more and understanding increases more .. Does memorization die at last????? No, he does not die, because the special chambers of the brain responsible for preservation cannot die even after a hundred.. So the prevailing law, the older the person, the less the memorization .... But what breaks this law????? There is a thing called the external factor.. If it is found, it hits all the laws, so memorizing after forty becomes very, very easy, and there is a book called (The credit shown to those who memorized the Quran after forty) what is this external factor??

This factor is: Desire..Determination..will..determination..streng th of determination..high determination..If ​​you find this in yourself, it ignites the determination and strength to implement what he wants..and I have more than eighty names who memorized the Quran after the age of forty Fifty-seven...?!!

Examples of the external factor:
If you stand on your leg for three hours, for example, you get tired, right? .. ok if you stand 4 or 5 hours .. you can not right ..?? But if I told you to stand for 8 hours...impossible right??? But what motivates a singer to stand on stage 14 hours in a row singing, in order to get his name in the Guinness Book of Records.. (External factor)

A competition took place about eating a plate of cockroaches in exchange for giving money on the condition that you crunch it under your teeth!! And lend it, but no one got up.. Only after the reward was raised to an imaginary amount of more than 500 thousand dollars, a man rose.. He said I ate it. And I considered myself eating pistachios.. (External factor)!!!!!!

The story of Umm Taha who memorized the Quran confirms this... (I will tell you the story at the end of the lecture)
The Sheikh asked the audience... If I offered one of you to stand for five hours, and then I offered him to give him 10 thousand dollars in exchange for standing for an additional hour... would he do...? The audience answered, but we stand for two more hours.. He commented: You see..this is the external factor..a challenge..

We return to the prevailing topic that if a person memorizes the Quran when he is young, it has mixed with his flesh and blood. How is that??
I deposit the Quran when I memorize it in the chambers of my brain, and when I grow up, the chambers of my brain grow as well. They grow as they memorize the Quran, so it remains.. The important question is from what age should the initiation be???????

If the mother is able to make sure to always open the recorder and her fetus is in her womb in the last months, then she should do that. After the child is born, always listen to him the Noble Quran, make him see you reciting the Noble Quran, remembering God Almighty, and you will find a good result, God willing... But...beware. Beware, my believing sister, that you do not compel him by force. The idea of ​​coercion is completely wrong.