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EmSat (Emirates standardized test)

The ministry of education of the united Arab emirates made an Electronic Test to assess students’ skills and knowledge in targeted subjects. and it helps students with university admission and also evaluates schools’ performance in different stages, recording data about UAE students' knowledge and skills in academic subjects following national standers.
EmSAT login
Which academic stages should have EmSAT preparation?

EmSAT preparation is for the following academic stages

  • Fourth grade.
  • Sixth grade.
  • Eighth grade.
  • Tenth grade.
  • Twelfth grade

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Brief about Emsat subjects & exams

Subjects of Emsat are the following Arabic - English - Mathematics - physics - chemistry, and Biology

  • Arabic EMSAT

Arabic Emsat curriculum of Texts, grammar emsat literature, and readings
What are the sections of the Arabic EMSAT exam?

The Arabic exam forms are divided into several sections:

  • The first section: Reading, which includes reading different types of texts. After reading the text, the student must answer several multiple-choice questions within an estimated time of 50 minutes.
  • Section Two: the language structure, vocabulary, and linguistic structure. It includes questions that measure the student’s skills in grammar, morphology, and rhetoric through multiple-choice questions.
  • The third section: Writing includes one writing task, and this section represents thirty percent of the total score allocated to the Arabic exam form.

And to get more high score results you should go for Arabic Emsat practice

  • English EmSAT

English EmSAT It is a set of rules responsible for the formulation and installation of words, sentences, and various expressions correctly in the English language. English emsat practice will help you to improve rules for the English language like

For English Emsat score achievement
1- The active memorizing of English words

2- Collect the words of the units of study

3- Continuous and systematic review of English words

  • EmSAT Math curriculums, aiming to enroll in engineering, computer science, or any relevant field to mathematics, then the EMSAT achieve mathematics test must be one of your main concerns.

to prepare for your Math achieve exam Emsat math maximum score You can prepare for the Mathematics exam by registering for our preparatory courses Through our website https://elmadrasah.com/

The pioneering educational online platform in the middle east.

We will help you to get a high Emsat math score By

  • making you qualified to pass the Mathematics test according to the test stages that depend on your educational level.
  • Providing the mandatory educational and scientific materials to help you pass the EMSAT Math Exam.
  • Several experimental models of the Mathematics Exam are presented in comprehensive and specialized mathematics. And to be updated in EmSAT Math you should also read emsat math 2022

  • EmSAT Biology

Biology emsat is a science concerned with the study of everything that is living, whether it is a human being, a plant, an animal, or a microorganism. Biology is the science of the study of life. The word biology is taken from Greek, where “bio” means life and “logos” means study. when you start biology emsat practice you have to know test questions are divided into

  • Section one: multiple testing.

  • Section Two: Fill in the blanksSection Three
  • Drag and drop the correct option.

Also, read in Biology emsat 2022 biology emsat sample