Here are some more potential features for an exchange marketplace application:

• Integration with payment processors - Allow the application to securely accept payments from major gateways like PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, etc.

• Integration with shipping carriers - Allow sellers to generate shipping labels directly within the application for carriers like UPS, FedEx, USPS and others.

• Escrow - Hold payments in escrow until buyers confirm they have received goods and are satisfied, to mitigate risk for both parties.

• Fraud detection - Implement AI/ML-based fraud detection systems to flag and prevent suspicious activities like fake accounts, fraudulent listings, payment issues, etc.

• Bulk inventory management - Provide features for sellers managing multiple products and high volumes of stock to upload, manage and replenish inventory efficiently.

• Multilingual support - Ensure the application can support multiple languages to enable a global buyer and seller base.

• Mobile app - Build a companion mobile app to allow buyers and sellers to access the marketplace on the go from their smartphones.

• Private listings - Allow sellers to choose whether listings are public and visible to all, or private and only shown to selected buyers.

• In-app chat - Include an embedded chat feature within the application to facilitate communication between buyers and sellers.

• Tax calculation - Automatically calculate applicable sales tax for order total based on buyer location to streamline the checkout process.

• Customizable themes - Provide themes and templates that sellers can use to give their storefront a unique and branded look and feel.

Hope these additional ideas provide some useful inspiration for potential features! Please let me know if you have any other questions.