Alexandria,the city of love as the it called in Europe once was on the major cities in the hole world that contain more than one religion
or yo can say was more like metropolitan city got Muslims Christians and even Jews .
I loved this from the bones with every thing ,every single street got a memory every corner hold to me in a way so hard to express with all it bad things i was just in love with that city, i was in love with Alexandrian girls walking on sea cost laughing giving that unjustified happiness that worm your day, Sofianoplo cafe in Raml station the sea breath in the night of Bahri ,all that still there but the only new thing is racism that never been in our community and that what hurt me more.

  • So please write what do you think about the booming of tow saint chapel in Miami and what is main cause of that anger after the booming and do u think it got something to do with mason plan in the middle east.


And in the light what happening in Sudan ,do u think we are next what we have to do as youth to not end up like Sudan .
  • Finally do u think its just a start of more and bigger actions spatially in Alexandria with all its history and what that city means to the kobtec.