The Republic of Argentina in the south-east of «America» South. Capital Buenos Aires. Thdhashimala «Paraguay» and «Bolivia», west and south «Chile», the east Atlantic and «Uruguay» and «Brazil».
Area: 2,776,889 km 2.
Population: 36,265,463.
Religions: Roman Catholic 90%, Protestant 2%, 2% Jews.
Currency: Aloustral.
The average income per capita: 2,160 dollars.
Referee: Federal Republic of presidential elections.
International organizations they belong to the state: the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the Commonwealth of Independent States Latin American free trade.
* Science: a state flag adopted in 1818 a sun independence from Spain, Argentina, and a white and blue colors in the flag colors to wear national who had been expelled British invaders in 1806 and 1807.
Language: Most Argentines speak Spanish is the official language of the country, many of them also speak a European language Thanipo still some Indians in Argentina speak traditional languages.
Major cities:
Buenos Aires and a population (3,200,000).
- Cordoba and a population (1,140,000).
- Rosario and population (1,050,000).
- La Plata and the number of population (570,000).
Photos of the nature of Argentina