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الموضوع: from Egypt

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1
    الصورة الرمزية samomran
    مشرف قسم تنميه الموارد البشريه
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    from Egypt

    Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings

    Name and meaning

    Aswan .. one of the most beautiful cities in Egypt ( Not Ajmal Mcati !! ), and the world ever .. Where the dry climate moderate, and the sun warm and calm that hangs over every place where even boats that flow page immortal Nile quietly brilliant and beautiful. Known city of Aswan in the ancient Egyptian language as "Sono" in the sense of the market; where the trade area, and a commercial convoys, the Greeks have characters that name to the "O", then called the Copts "Swan", and when the Arabs in the sixth century AD Ntqoha "Aswan."

    أسوان : واحدة من أجمل المناطق في مصر ، حيث ان المناخ معتدل وجاف والشمس دافية والهدوء الذي يخيم على المكان ، والنيل الخالد رائع وجميل بشكل هادي ، مدينة أسوان كان اسمها في اللغة المصرية القديمة " سونو " بمعنى السوق حيث المنطقة التجارية والقوافل التجارية .. كانت ليها مسمى تاني عند الاغريق والاقباط لحد ما جم العرب في القرن السادس وسموها أســـوان

    The date significance Territory

    - The importance of this region in the era of the old state; to secure the southern border, was a collection center for armies kings when They ( Not he ) tried to extend their power Central State south.

    أهمية المنطقة دي في عصر الدولة القديمة لضمان الحدود الجننوبية كان عبارة عن مركز مجموعه لملوك الجيوش لما حاولو يمددو الجزء الجنوبي بتاعهم

    - Played a special role during the jihad to expel the Egyptians Alhecsus.

    لعب دور خاص وقت الجهاد لطرد الهكسوس

    - In the era of Ptolemy became the island "elephants" - home to worship the god Isis - a lot of interest complete the Mabdha large.

    ( What was that , I didn't Understand )

    - In the era of Roman temples have been established style of the ancient Egyptian almost Egyptian Emperor Trajan, created a small temple on the island of Philae.

    في عصر المعابد الرومانية اتأسس الاسلوب المصري القديم تقريبآ الامبراطور المصري واتصنع معبد صغير على جزيرة ( فيلة )

    - When the spread of Christianity have officially become the fifth century AD, Synagogues, Egyptian churches, and the island of Philae center of one of dioceses, including the spread of Christianity to the country's south, the Nuba.

    لما انتشرت المسيحية ودا كان في القرن الخامس بعد الميلاد ، انتشرت المعابد والكنائس المصرية وبقت جزيرة الفيلة مركز أحد الـ ؟؟؟ ( dioceses = ؟ ) ، متضمنة انتشار المسيحية في جنوب البلاد ( النوبه )

    - Then spread Islam since the start of his appearance; where evidence was found written kufic dating to the early first century AH.

    بدأ انتشار الاسلام مع بداية ظهوره حيث وجد دليل مكتوب بالكوفية في أوائل القرن الاول ( !! )

    -Aswan flourished in the Islamic era was in the tenth century AD a way to (Aizab) on the Red Sea coast; where sailing ships to Saudi Arabia, Yemen and India.

    ازدهرت أســـوان في العصر الاسلامي في القرن العاشر الميلادي ( Would you please translate the rest ? )

    - Was an important cultural center in the sixth and seventh century AH, and three schools in Aswan my school, school Asifip, school asterisk in Aswan.

    كان مركز ثقافي مهم في القرن السادس والسابع الميلادي وفيها 3 مدارس

    - Muhammad Ali established the first military school in Egypt in 1837.

    أسس محمد علي المدرسة العسكرية الاولى في مصر سنة 1837

    County is located south of Aswan, Egypt, and is bounded to the north of Qena province, and on the east Red Sea governorate, with its western border province of New Valley and the south of Sudan at latitude 22 north of the equator. The provincial capital city of Aswan on the eastern shore of the Nile, where the easy part of the Nile flanked by, and the other on the edge of the hills which are Eastern desert plateau, and is the city of Aswan, about 85 meters above sea level, which is about 879 kilometers from Cairo and covers an area of maintaining 34,608 km 2 .

    بيوصف موقع المدينة ( مش محتاجه ترجمة باه )


    Is divided into three sections:

    Sahli part of the city, is flanked by the Nile, a small area in the south and expanding as we head north. The average rise, a high hill is the old Aswan, which has expanded east and west. And then the region of desert stretching east of Aswan and West Nile.


    Aswan hot summer climate mild winter, and dominated by the continental climate characteristics; expanding the differences as great and small temperature during the four-hour summer or winter.

    Access to Aswan

    First: airports: --

    A - the new international airport Aswan:

    The second largest airport (after Cairo airport) and the architectural character is appropriate to the nature of the region and is located on an area of 55 acres and the building is designed in two levels.
    Terminal local and international: the four baggage conveyor belts (12 - 18 Counter) officers passport services, banks, offices and hotels, tourism services, security and quarantine.
    Leads the domestic and international travel:
    Gallery ninth international travel 1200 passengers / hour and 2 area in 5000 and has 4 gates, 15 counter.
    Gallery 800 local travel nine passengers / hour in 2000 and an area of 2 of 2 gate.
    VIP Lounge, Presidency area 850 m 2.
    Lounge special first-class passengers, free-market shops, cafeteria, road network and parking spaces serve Altermak tunnel 267 m 2 of the bridge and passenger service along the 560 meters and the parking lot nine 300 cars.

    B - Airport Abu Simbel:
    Has been developed Abu Simbel tourist airport to accommodate aircraft movements up to the city from all over the world.

    C - Airports Serving Investors Aswan Governorate: --
    Luxor International Airport
    Airport East Port
    Prince airport
    Marsa Alam Airport (under construction)

    Second Railway:

    Railway was double the distance between Luxor / Aswan length of 205 kilometers, has necessitated the following:
    The development of important central stations.
    The creation of 23 new building for the development of plants and coral stations.
    The creation of 16 concrete bridge.
    Creation of a single concrete culvert.
    This has achieved the following objectives:
    Provision of flight time between Cairo / Aswan of 6 hours into the flight time of 12 hours instead of 18 hours.
    Operation of new trains to increase passenger service.
    Raise the pace of the trains from 60 km / h to 110 km / hour.

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Mimi ; 10-01-2008 الساعة 07:22 AM
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