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ãÒíÏ ãä ÇáÊÝÇÕíá ÚÈÑ ãæÞÚäÇ : www.elite-hypnosis.com

Are you Animal/Pet owner?
Then you want to do this!

I do give the possibility to talk to their animals. Literally.
They can ask any questions they want to the animal.
What do you want to know from your animal, ask any question!

You can train your animal through my service faster, more intensive, more efficient and more cost effective then any trainer can. I tune sports animals. I MAKE you YOUR WINNER.
You will receive information about the health status and medical condition directly from the animal.

You have an animal with a traumata or with behavioural issues?
I heal animals. Also animals in refugees and shelters. Worldwide.
(I founded an animal foundation and I work for free with animals worldwide. I heal the animals from their traumata and I give them back a life worth living.

You invested so much and urgently want a breeding success?

Find out more about what I can do for you!

No animal is physically present during the session.
It is important to know, as the Kangaroo from Australia does not have to be with me. Neither the Elephant from India nor the Race Horse from the Arabian Peninsula.

Look at my website and find out what Elite-Hypnosis can do and BOOK YOUR SESSION, for you and for your animal.

: More details via our website