Gis DictionarY

3D feature

A representation of a three-dimensional, real-world object in a map or scene, with elevation values (z-values) stored within the feature's geometry. Besides geometry, 3D features may have attributes stored in a feature table. In applications such as CAD, 3D features are often referred to as 3D models.

3D graphic
A representation of a three-dimensional, real-world object in a map or scene, with elevation values (z-values) stored within the feature's geometry. Unlike 3D features, 3D graphics do not have attributes.

3D multipatch
See multipatch.
3D polygon
See polyhedron.
absolutely constrained adjustment
In Survey Analyst for field measurements, one of two possibilities for performing a constrained adjustment. In the absolutely constrained adjustment, the coordinates of the reference points keep their original value. Use this method when reference points should remain unchanged in the survey dataset.

absolute mode
See digitizing mode.
abstract class
In ArcObjects, a specification for subclasses that is often shown on object model diagrams to help give structure to the diagram. An abstract class is not defined in a type library and cannot be instantiated.

access key
A keyboard shortcut that allows a user to access the contents of the Main menu by holding down the Alt key and pressing the underlined letter on the menu or menu command item. An access key is created by placing an ampersand (&) in front of the appropriate letter in the command's caption.


The degree to which a measured value conforms to true or accepted values. Accuracy is a measure of correctness. It is distinguished from precision, which measures exactness.
See also precision, uncertainty.