1 5 5


  1. #1
      Ma7amed Adel
    Feb 2009


    ( )




    1960 5.6% 39% 2002 .

    ɡ 28.7 % 30-40% .







    ɡ .

    500 85 ( 2χ ) CR ɡ .

    - :


    ɡ .

    ( Jefferson ɡ 1935 ) ([1]).

    Smiailes ([2]) .

    ɡ ([3]).

    ([4]) .





    ǡ .

    2500 .

    13 80% ([7]).

    ( 1991-1943 ) ( ) .


    1963 .

    80% ( ).


    : ([8]).









    - :


    * .

    * .

    * .

    * .

    * .

    * .


    ( 1960-2002) ([9]).



    - :


    1- 2002 .

    2- .

    3- .

    4- .

    5- .

    6- .

    7- .

    - :


    1- .

    2- .

    3- .

    4- .

    5- .

    6- .

    - :


    1987 . , .

    (1) .

    732 30 12 35 3500 .

    (1960_ 2002) .

    500 (1) .

    - :


    qualiative quantitative ([10]).

    ǡ WRIGLEY .



    - :

    1_ :
    ( ) ( ).

    2- :

    3- :

    4- :


    - :

    1- .

    2- .

    3- .

    4_ , .

    - :


    2000 1995 ([12]).


    (( )) ([14]).


    ([15]). ( ) ([16]).


    (( )) ([18]).


    1977 ([20])

    93% 90% 84% .









    . ([28]).





    1958 ([33]).


    Smiales Urbamn field([35]).

    Dickinson ([36]).


    - :

    - : he CityOfhe Morphology T

    - :Land Uses

    - : City-Region

    - : City Plan

    -: Urbanization

    - : Business DistrictCentral

    - : Lorenz Curve
    () () Diagonal

    () .[44]

    [1]) 1990 4 .

    [2]) ɡ 1972 10-12.

    [3]) 1998 11.

    [4]) 1980 15.

    [5]) 1992 34.

    [6]) 1991 5.

    [7]) ( ) 1995 398.

    [8]( Saad Gezeiri : The Role of the State and the Development of Libyan Arab Country. In J ., Allan et al ( eds ) Libya : State Regions, S.O.A.S, University of London , 1989.pp.151.

    [9]) ( ) 409.

    [10]) 1987 128.

    [11] ) M.A.Khuga: the Grouth and Function of Tripolis Libya, PhD. Thesise, Durham University, England, 1969.

    [12]) ( 2000) 1996 87.

    [13]) (( )) 1994/1995 1988 203.

    [14]) 1985 52.

    [15]) 9 1980 16.

    [16]) 31 1988 101.

    [17]) (( )) 1996 4.

    [18]) 1981 130.

    [19]) 1983 16..

    [20]) 1977 41..

    [21]) 2 1944 20.

    [22]) ȡ ɡ ɡ ϡ 1982 5.

    [23]) 1994 274.

    [24]) 4 1990 304.

    [25]) ɡ ɡ ɡ 1995 188.

    [26]) 138.

    [27]) ( ) 17 1979 43.

    [28]) ɡ 1980 14.

    [29]) 1989 93.

    [30]) 1995 170.

    [31]) 1982 170.

    [32]) 1958 250.

    [33]) 1958 98.

    [34] ) J. Clarke, Population Geography, Pergamon Press,London, 1969. p.55.

    [35] ) A.E.Smiales, The Geography of Towns, Hutchinson, London, 1964. p.135.

    [36] ) R.E.Dickinson, City and Region , Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1968, p.182.

    [37]) 1968 84.

    [38] ) 97 .

    [39] ) 133

    [40] ) ޡ 181

    [41] ) 46

    [42] ) 83

    [43]) 43.

    3) J. Clarke, Op, Cit, p.58.
    Mohamed Gaber Aly ; 03-07-2010 09:58 PM :